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PDF (Portable Document Format) can be used as a means of searching for the visitor, seo pdf on how to be effective in improving traffic mengunjung keblog or our web, pdf SEO techniques are similar to the normal web page, but usually this is not done the web, because they focus on the SEO for their web page, not for PDF files.

Some things to note in SEO for PDF is:

1, PDF files have PageRank. PageRank is a measure of popularity of web pages created by Google that depend on the value by the number of links that point to web pages. In fact, PDF files have any PageRank, for example, PDF file 2009 calendar at this time have a PR = 1.

2 determine the size of PDF files or case files indexed by Google. PDF files that contain a calendar with the 2009 size 653 KB so far Google has not indexed. Thus, can be estimated that Google is like a PDF file size small.

3 Google can index PDF files are protected "password to modify." File a 2009 calendar I create this PDF file that is password protected so that can be opened but can not be edited, and that Google is able to index the file. For PDF files that are not protected

4 Name the PDF file will be the URL of the PDF, is to choose a name that reflects the content of the document or keyword.

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